Terrorism Information

Terror Threat Level: SUBSTANTIAL


ACT Counter-Terrorism Training 

Stay Safe During An Attack

Although terror attacks are rare, the issues they cause are highlighted regularly within the news. Police forces and security services across the UK work tirelessly to protect residents and prevent attacks from occurring. However, despite their efforts, you should always help out by contacting the Anti-Terrorist hotline whenever you see or hear something that could be terrorist related.

Always trust your gut instinct, your call could save lives.
Hotline: 0800 789 321


Frequently Asked Questions

Terrorism is the use of violence against people or property to cause fear, convince citizens that their government is powerless  or achieve publicity.

Acts of terrorism include assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings, bombings and cyber attacks. Some situations may also involve the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological weapons.

High risk places consist of military bases, government facilities, international airports, large cities and famous tourist attractions. Attacks also take place at large public gatherings due to the dense population of people.


Safety Strategies

  • Leave the situation if you feel uncomfortable or if something does not seem right.
  • Take precautions when traveling; always be aware of your surroundings.
  • You should always report unusual behaviour, suspicious or unattended packages, and strange devices to the police or security guards.
  • Revise where emergency exits are located so you are able to exit in the event of an emergency
  • Ensure that each floor within a building has access to portable battery-operated radios, flashlights, first aid kit, hard hats and dust masks.

“How are threat levels decided?”

  • Terrorist Capability

This is an examination of what is known about the capabilities of terrorists in question and the method they may use based on previous attacks.

  • Terrorist Intentions

Using available information to examine the overall aims of the terrorists and the ways they may achieve them.

  • Timescale

Some attacks take years to plan whilst others are calculated very quickly. Threat levels are regularly reviewed to ensure that they remain as accurate as possible. Threat levels are designed to give an indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack, they are monitored continuously and are set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC).


National Threat Levels (Updated Feb 22)


SUBSTANTIAL 9 February 2022

SEVERE 15 November 2021

SUBSTANTIAL 4 February 2021

SEVERE 3 November 2020

SUBSTANTIAL 4 November 2019

SEVERE 23 July 2019



The ability to Run, Hide, Tell will vary for reasons such as age, fitness and capability. When running is not an option, people should make every effort to move away from the area as quickly as possible. Additionally, it is imperative that people caught up in such a scenario assist those around them who may need help.

The ACT app is available to download on Google Play or App Store.

Over a thousand specialists from across the UK have helped officers to create this application, including leading organisations from the security sectors.

The ACT app is free for businesses and has been developed to provide access to…

  • Practical advice and guidance to help you protect your business, plus information on how to respond in the event of an attack.
  • Information on CT Policing’s suite of ACT training products, plus access to the online e-Learning package.
  • Suite of NaCTSO guidance videos.
  • Latest reference documents and publications.
  • ACT online reporting form and confidential hotline.
  • Emergency response and post-incident guidance.
  • Live-time news updates from UK Protect.