Price Match Guarantee

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  • Nationwide Coverage
  • SIA Approved Contractor
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  • Most competitive industry rates

Price Promise Guarantee

We are an SIA-approved contractor who is committed to bringing you high-quality services at an affordable price. We regularly check our competitors’ prices to ensure we offer the best deal in the UK. We will always try to match and beat any competitor’s prices but we can’t keep track of every offer. So, if you do manage to find a lower price than what we offer, get in touch with us and we will try to meet or beat their price.

Our Price Promise: Terms and Conditions…

  1. We’ll match or beat our competitor’s current rate on the proposed project.
  2. The competitor’s service must be identical to ours, and offered on the same terms.
  3. We must be able to verify the competitor’s price and request a copy of the quotation.
  4. We’ll match the price of the service; other services.
  5. Cannot be used with any other offer.

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