Static Guarding Security
Region Security Guarding have offered SIA licensed static security guards for over 10 years. Guards are deployed on site to watch over entances and exits, patrol sites, monitor CCTV systems, ensure overall safety of the site, and much more. Call today on 01902 544321 to get a swift quote.
- Static guarding services tailored to your business
- Local static security officers working to protect your business
- Static security offers a range of services
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Nationwide Coverage
Competitive Rates
SIA Approved Contractor
About Our Static Security Guards
From 2022-23, the UK saw a crime rate of 76 crimes per 1,000 people. This sees an increase of 8% when compared to the previous year. With crime rates across the UK gradually rising, it is important to begin considering securing your businesses with the appropriate security.
At Region Security Guarding, we offer high-quality static security services and SIA-licenced officers. Our security staff are flexible with the range of tasks that can be performed, from closely monitoring CCTV activity to supervising access points.
Additionally, our static security guards receive thorough training to prepare themselves for work on-site, ensuring that they’re equipped with everything they need to aid your company to the best of their abilities.
What Happens When I Request Static Security?
When you follow through with requesting a quote for our static security services, we provide a response to you within 30 minutes or less. The response includes your expected quote for the services you require – and if you’re happy with that, we can send out a guard to you within 24 hours at the latest. As a bonus for you, we pride ourselves on our pliable solutions, adjusting our contract lengths to the time you seek.
Focusing on costs for a moment, we charge our clients on a monthly basis for our services. This allows us to remain transparent with you about financial costs and routines, allowing you to plan your budget in advance. This method also helps to promote ongoing communication with our customers, guaranteeing that you receive continuous and smooth-going coverage for your property.
We're Proud To Work With:
Static Security Guards
At Region Security Guarding, we ensure that our static security guards are professionally trained to secure your premises using a variety of tactics and equipment. Our security officers can be placed in a range of roles, including, but not limited to:
- CCTV supervising
- Monitoring access points, such as entrances and exits
- Performing frequent patrols of designated areas
- Keeping a log of people who enter and exit
Our static security services also include having our security staff guide and aid visitors to your business if required. It promotes a trusting and secure environment in which visitors feel like they have someone they can report to where necessary. Actively engaging with people on the property also helps the guard to act as a visual deterrent, putting off any criminals who are considering targeting the business.
Our guards can work from wherever you need, whether it’s in a surveillance room or a choking point for your premises. Just be assured that our officers will swiftly and efficiently deal with any security risks that occur.
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Security Guards
Security Guards
Let’s talk about how we can help you stay protected against security risks
Professional static guarding security services, with dedicated SIA licensed security personnel.
Region Security Guarding Ltd, holds SIA Approved Contractor status for the provision of Security Guarding Services.
Why Do Businesses Need Static Guarding?
Businesses are vulnerable to a multitude of different crimes, such as robbery, theft, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. Potential criminals could strike at any moment and cause considerable damage to the employees, assets or property. By employing static site security to guard your business, you are immediately minimising the risk of becoming a potential target.
With your site safeguarded from harm, and security threats mitigated, you can put your worries to rest and focus on other, more demanding projects.
Our static security guard services are available across the UK, meaning that we’ll be able to provide aid to your business whenever you need, wherever you need.
Why Commit To Experienced Static Security Guards?
All of our static site security are highly trained professionals with SIA-licencing, guaranteeing that they are equipped for the job. They will be able to fulfil multiple duties to reduce the likelihood of security threats affecting your business, and the damage that they commit.
They can be assigned to monitor surveillance systems, create and keep track of visitor logs and access points, perform regular patrols and aid staff where needed.
Performing these different tasks helps decrease the chances of external – and even internal – threats from targeting your company.
If you seek static security services for your company, contact us today. Get in touch via our contact form, phone number: 03309122033, or email:
More About Our Services
What Is Static Security?
Static security is a form of security guarding, that primarily involves the guard being at a singular property. Often, they will be assigned the job of monitoring CCTV systems from a designated security room on-site – or will be directed to monitor entrances and exits on access point supervision duty. In some cases, they may be assigned a small area of the premises to watch and frequently patrol to ensure that there are no security breaches.
If you’re interested in learning more about the ins and outs of static security, consider taking a look at our blog article What Is A Static Security Guard? for further information.
What Is The Difference Between A Static Guard And A Security Guard?
Whilst their duties are fundamentally similar to one another, the differences come from how they are applied to businesses, and the duties they are assigned. Static security guards are most commonly used in retail and event settings, as they are used to monitor access points and doors, as well as surveillance systems.
Mobile patrol units, on the other hand, will patrol the entire premises, rather than keeping to one particular spot. They’re more commonly used in larger settings, such as warehouses, construction sites and generally bigger buildings. Unlike static guards, they also tend not to follow a strict patrol pattern, doing it as and when they feel like at different parts of the building, assisting in catching criminals off-guard.
For a more in-depth analysis of the differences between static guards and mobile guards, and when to hire them, take a look at our Mobile Patrol Security Vs Static Guarding Security article.
Local Static Security?
If you require static security services for your business, look no further. At Region Security Guarding, we provide SIA-licenced security officers to companies nationwide and we’re happy to have you covered.
What Is A Static Guard Responsible For?
Static security guards are responsible for ensuring the protection of the site they are assigned to, though there are multiple ways to achieve this. Static officers may be tasked with monitoring the property’s surveillance systems from a designated security room on-site, they may also be asked to guard access points to ensure only authorised visitors gain access, or to simply keep track of who is entering and exiting the property.
In other cases, they may be assigned to a small location within the business they are protecting, having to perform routine patrols to ensure that there are no security risks currently affecting the business. If they happen to come across a security breach, it is then their responsibility to resolve it however necessary – whether they must perform a citizen’s arrest, de-escalate a situation, or simply escort someone off of the premises.
Which Is More Secure - Static Or Dynamic?
There is no objective answer to whether static or dynamic security is more secure. Instead, the answer varies depending on the industry your business is part of, as well as the budget you have available.
If you have a business in the retail or event industry, then it is more likely that you would benefit from static guarding, as opposed to mobile guarding, given the importance of being able to monitor entrances and exits to your venues, as well as key areas that might be more at risk. However, static security tends to be more expensive, due to the guards being stationed there for their entire shift.
Mobile security tends to be an alternative better suited for much larger premises, such as warehouses and business offices. This is because there is a lot more ground that needs covering when it comes to these types of companies, and there are often too many entrances and exits to have static guards stationed at every single one. On the plus side, mobile security tends to be cheaper, as it can be altered depending on site size and the frequency of patrols.
What Are The Different Types Of Static Security?
There are many different types of static security guards, mostly varying in the type of business you hire them for. The most common kind of static security guard encountered would be reception or concierge officers, as almost every business will have an area like this that they need securing. There can also be static security that covers hospitality roles, like within the retail industry, to help out visitors – or there tends to be a heavy focus on corporate static security, as there are certain restricted areas that may require monitoring, such as server rooms or equipment storages to prevent unauthorised access.
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